Keratin sulfate, 169
Kernicterus, 692
keto, 523
a-keto acid precursors, 335
Ketoacidosis, 379, 511
Ketoamine (fructosamine), 32
Kétoconazole, 707
Ketogenic, 279
Ketogenic substrates, 226
carboligase, 348
Ketone, 241
Ketone bodies, 282, 245
metabolism of, 374
physiological and pathological
aspects of, 376
production utilization, 506
Ketone body production, 507
Ketotic hyperglycinemia, 348
Kidney, 278, 335, 337, 339
Kidney beans, 333
Kidney medulla, 235
Kidneys, 489
Kilocalorie (kcal), 69
Kilojoule (kj), 69
Kinesins, 453, 484
enzymes with two-substrate
reactions, 92
Kininogen, 841, 857
Kir6.2 subunits, 493
Klinefelter’s syndrome, 605
Korsakoff’s psychosis, 915
Krebs cycle,
se e
tricarboxylic acid
(TCA) cycle
Kringles, 432
KSS (Keams-Sayre syndrome), 478
Ku heterodimer, 559
Kupffer cells, 200, 304
Kwashiorkor, 333
L-amino acids
transport of, 333
L-arabinose, 296
L-ascorbate (vitamin C), 141
L-asparaginase, 132
L-dopa, 762
L-dopamine, 762
dehydrogenation of, 336
lactate, 236
L-myc, 611
L-strand of mitochondrial DNA, 266
L-tyrosine, 762
L-xylose, 296
L-xylulose reductase, 296
Labile cells, 179
Laboratory assessment of coagulation, 864
Laboratory diagnosis of a-thalassemia
syndromes, 961
Laboratory-created artifacts, 871
Lac (lactose) operon, 594, 595
Lactalbumin, 332
a-lactalbumin, 298
Lactase, 211, 297
Lactate, 202, 278, 502
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), 122, 233
isoenzymes, 124
Lactate dehydrogenase activity, 282
Lactate efflux, 470
Lactation, 331,794
Lactic acid, 7
Lactic acidemia, 236, 240
Lactic acidosis, 236, 268, 282
L a cto b a cilli,
Lactobacillus, 936
Lactone, 141
Lactose, 144, 213, 879
Lactose (lac) operon, 594
Lactose (milk) intolerance, 212
Lactose intolerance, 222
Lactose malabsorption, 213
Lactose synthase, 298
Lactose tolerance test, 213
Lactose-depleted milk, 213
Lactulose, 144, 213, 222
Laetrile, 100
Lag phase of the indicator reaction, 126
Lagging strand, 548
Laminin, 162, 476
Lanosterol, 420
Laparoscopy, 207
Large intestine, 202
Laron dwarlism, 742
Laron-type dwarfism, 741
Latch bridges, 474
Latch phenomenon, 474
Lathyrism, 181, 590
Lathyrus odoratus, 590
L a th yru s o d o ra tu s,
L a th yru s sa tivu s,
Laxatives, 222
LC1/LC3, 607
LCAT deficiency, 433, 443
se e
lactate dehydrogenase
LDH isoenzymes, 233
LDH, CK, and troponins, 126
LDH-1, 233
LDH-2, 233
LDH-3, 233
LDH-4, 233
LDH-5, 233
se e
lipoproteins, low-density
LDL receptor, 437
LDL receptor-related protein (LRP), 435
LDL-receptor deficiency, 442
Lead, 685, 894
Lead poisoning, 97
Leader, 596
Leading strand, 548
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy, 268
Lecithin (phosphatidylcholine), 201
Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase
(LCAT), 429, 434, 440
Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase
se e
LCAT deficiency
se e
Lectin pathway, 808
Lectins, 194, 584
jack bean, 194
peanut, 194
red kidney bean, 194
wheat germ, 194
lysine and, 214
Leigh’s disease, 269
Lens, 139, 297
Lens proteins, 155
Lepore hemoglobins, 662
Leprechaunism, 495
Leptin, 82, 516
action on food intake, 83
Leptin is, 516
Leptin therapy, 517
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 633
Letin pathway, 830
Leu-enkephalin (LENK), 734, 735
Leucine, 20, 214, 279, 493
oxidation of, 352, 415
Leucine aminopeptidase, 215, 335, 898
Leucine zipper, 603
Leucine zipper transcription factor, 603
Leucine, 331
Leucocyte adhesion deficiency type II
(LADII), 309
Leucovorin, 617
Leukemia, 64, 94, 232
Leukocytes, 331
Leukotriene receptor antagonists, 398
Leukotrienes (LTs), 304, 335, 365, 389,
390, 396
cysteinyl, 398
Levosimendan, 475
Lewis blood group systems, 166
LexA, 599
Leydig cells, 699
LH, 714
LH (luteinizing hormone), 508
Li-Fraumeni syndrome, 64
Li-Fraumeni syndrome, ~50% of all
cancers, 612
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